At Kidizo ThePreschool, celebrated the Teej festival. Teej Celebration was on full swing.Little Kidizoians enjoyed alot.They were dressed up in traditional Punjabi dresses and looked amazingly good.
The school was very well decorated according to the theme with a nicely done-up swing, a dhol, an earthern pot, Charkha, embroided bed covers, traditional cots and fans.
Giddha and Bhangra were performed by the students and teachers.Kids were seen riding on the swings as per the tradition. The excitement of the children was the best part of the day. Addressing the kids, the principal of the school, Mrs Savita Rampal, talked about the importance of the day and mentioned that Teej was primarily a festival celebrated by girls and women with songs and dances and that it was mainly celebrated in the northern and western parts of India. Here are the glimpses of Teej Celebration.l