NSS unit (Boys and girls) of A.S. College Khanna celebrated
POSHAN MAH on 18-09-19. In this regard, Public Awareness
Rally was organized from College Campus to village KAURI
by the NSS volunteers. At the beginning of the rally, worthy
Principal Dr. R. S. Jhanji addressed the volunteers about healthy
eating and to avoid junk foods. A total of 70 Volunteers walked
along with the slogans of “SAHI POSHAN, DESH
ROSHAN”, “JAISA ANN , VAISA MANN” etc. Highlighting
the awareness about healthy and nutritious food habits. Villagers
were made aware of healthy living, nutrition food and eating
disorder. Dr. Sanjay Talwani, Dr. Manpreet Kaur, Prof. Renu
Bala, NSS Programme Officers Prof. Gagandeep Sethi, Prof.
Arun Singla, Prof. Monika Thakur were present. It was a
successful event.lok charcha kia bat